A new commandment I give you, love one another as I have loved you.
Religious Education
At St. Mary's our Catholic Ethos permeates all our work, including our teaching of
Religious Education. We welcome pupils of all faiths and none to our school. As a school community, we follow Christian values in all that we do.
We aim to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for our pupils to explore their faith and deepen their relationship with God.
Religious Education in St. Mary’s is primarily based on the Grow in Love programme and focuses on the teachings and values of our Catholic faith.
Ár nAthair,
atá ar neamh,
go naofar d’ainm,
go dtaga do ríocht,
go ndéantar do thoil ar an talamh,
mar a dhéantar ar neamh.
Ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu,
agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha,
mar a mhaithimidne dár bhféichiúna féin,
agus ná lig sinn i gcathú,
ach saor sinn ó olc.Amen.
Ár nAthair
We prepare our pupils for the following sacraments: First Penance and First Confession in Second Class and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Sixth Class.
We believe that the preparation for the sacraments is an essential part of our pupils' faith journey. We work closely with parents and the local parish to ensure that our pupils are fully prepared and supported throughout the sacramental process.
We also recognise the importance of regular prayer and reflection in our pupils' spiritual development. We begin each day with a prayer and include regular opportunities for pupils to pray throughout the day and to participate in liturgical celebrations.
All classes aim to go to morning Mass in St. Joseph’s during term time.
Fr. Leo, our local priest and chaplain, visits the school regularly to support our pupils' faith development and celebrate Mass with us. His presence is greatly appreciated by our pupils and staff.
We provide a nurturing and supportive environment where our pupils can explore and deepen their faith. We believe that the development of our pupils' spiritual and moral values is an essential part of their education and growth as individuals.
Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire,
atá lán de ghrásta,
Tá an Tiarna leat.
Is beannaithe thú idir mná,
Agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne; Íosa.
A Naomh-Mhuire,
a Mháthair Dé,
guigh orainn na peacaigh,
anois, agus ar uair ár mbáis.Amen.
Sé do Bheatha a Mhuire