Apply for Autism Class via NCSE
Scoil Mhuire Muineachán opened a new Autism Class for primary age children in September 2024. An Annual Intake Meeting in St. Mary's allocates places for this class.
Updated information on enrolment process for our Autism Class (primary)
More details are provided below.
Step 1
Step 2
1. Diagnosis of Autism: DSM IV/V or ICD 10/11 (psychologist, psychiatrist, multi-disciplinary report)
2. A demonstration of the understanding of complexity of the child’s overall level of need/s evidenced in the professional reports
Step 3
If your child meets all three criteria, a Preliminary Determination of Eligibility to a Special Class Placement letter will issue to you from the NCSE.
Step 4
Please contact us and submit your Preliminary Determination of Eligibility to a Special Class Placement letter as soon as it has been issued, if you wish for your child to be considered for enrolment in St. Mary's.
Step 5
An annual Autism Class (primary) intake meeting is held in March. All letters of Preliminary Determination of Eligibility to a Special Class Placement will be considered. Parents will also be asked to submit professional reports for assessment by the Intake Committee. Candidates will be ranked according to greatest need. The number of places available in the autism class (primary) in a given year is dependent on the status of pupils currently enrolled in the class.
Step 6
All successful and unsuccessful applicants for places in the autism class (primary) will be informed. A waiting list of unsuccessful applicants will be kept.
If you require further information, please contact the school office by email at